Thursday, 28 November 2013

My Photos make the Nationals!

Admiring the stately Parish Church of St Mary in Melton Mowbray (despoiled by Cromwell & working home to organist Sir Malcolm Sargent for a decade from 1914) with good friend Duncan in the middle of the afternoon, the last thing I expected was to receive a call from the picture editor of the Daily Telegraph.

To local snappers like me, who in the main take feature & PR pictures, getting a call from one of the national newspapers is a SERIOUSLY BIG DEAL! If my photos were used in a major news story they could be seen by a huge audience, would possibly also appear online and might bring in some unexpected and much-needed cash!

Liz Hewitt's photos appeared in the Daily Telegraph, 15.11.13.
To cut a long story short, I'd taken some shots of a Leicestershire businessman & his wife who were now engaged in a multi-£ million divorce battle - and no-one had any pictures of the pair. Except me.

The Leicester Mercury was the Daily Telegraph's first port of call. They sent the Telegraph a snap with my by-line. So here they were, asking how soon I could send through the picture as they'd like it for next day's paper!

Liz Hewitt's photos appeared in the Daily Mail & online, 15.11.13.
I didn't time the drive back to Leicester but I doubt I've ever managed it more quickly! It was close to 5pm when I found the picture files. A couple of years old, I could see they were good, a smiling portrait of the couple taken originally for the Mercury's lifestyle magazine.

I emailed the files across to the Telegraph and relaxed only once the picture desk confirmed receipt. Phew! It wasn't the most pleasant of news stories with which to be associated but that's the business I'm in.

Laying back on the sofa with a much needed cuppa, the phone went again, "Hello. Is that Liz Hewitt? It's the Daily Mail picture desk here..."

Liz Hewitt's photos appeared in the Daily Express & online, 5.12.13.

The photos finally appeared in;
The Daily Telegraph, Friday 15.11.
The Daily Mail, Friday 15.11 & online
The Daily Express, Thursday 5.12 & online
The Leicester Mercury. 5.12 & online