Saturday, 31 December 2011

Feeling lazy

Lots of work to do but feeling righteous having finished the last portrait, and lazy. Lots of friends to see and things to do before everyone heads back to their offices. 
My New Year resolution is to work smarter - I'm sure there are ways I can speed up some of the processes involved in the larger portraits especially. For a start I'm going to look into the possibility of double-sided tracing paper.

Thursday, 22 December 2011


Finally completed the family portrait for TV presenter, Anne Davies. Think she's going to be pleased. Max reckons it's the best thing I've done, but then he says that every time!
(This is the pic at tracing stage)

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Christmas optimism

My agent has a thing about equine sculpture. Saw this marvel in a Leicester centre shop window and fleetingly thought I might buy it for her for Christmas. Then saw the price tag.